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William Bonin.
Clifford Olson Jr.


Type 6 (Sadistic) inflicts injury on vic tims and is sexually aroused by their pain, fear, and humiliation. (Barton et al, 2011, pp 114).


"Once he overpowered the youngster, Olson engaged in sadistic experiments on the children. He drove a three-inch spike into one child's head, another he injected with an air embolism. He talked about them as science experiments.


When Olson was finally arrested in mid-August 1981, the "Beast of B.C." turned out to be a banal, beefy rounder with cow orbs. He stood five-foot-seven, weighed maybe 70 kilograms and sported a mop of brown hair."


Mulgrew, I. (2011, October 1).  Clifford Olson, the 'Beast of B.C.' serial child-killer. Post Media News. Retrieved from http://www.oacas




According to Levin & Fox's typology of serial and mass murder, Clifford Robert Olson Jr. may have committed these acts of violence as an act of vengeance, hate, or emotional/ sexual satisfaction. Because the patterns of Olson's victims were seemingly random, from both sexes and ages ranging from children to young adults, his crimes were less likely to be hate crimes. Also, he most likely didn't know any of his victims, so vengeance was also a less likely a motivator. This leaves his only motivation to be from emotional satisfaction; somehow, Clifford Robert Olson Jr. received emotional satisfaction from killing his victims. He might have needed the feeling of control over the lives of his victims, a need that could have been developed through past emotional trauma.”


Clark, Mikhi (2014, January 6).  Criminal Theory. Blog. Retrieved from









Type 6 (Sadistic) inflicts injury on vic tims and is sexually aroused by their pain, fear, and humiliation. (Barton et al, 2011, pp. 114).



  • Used accomplices to help lure, subdue and murder teens.


  • Bonin and  accomplice raped bludgeon, mutulate  &, strangle his victims ligature


  • There was a ritualistic element to the use of the victims own t-shirt as a ligature. 


  • Dumping the bodies along the highway is a level  of further humiliation.  9Bar



Stats Canada Graph - National Homicide Rates between the years of 1961-2011


Bartol et al., 2011, Chapter 5: Sexual offenders,indicate the same finding, that homicides and sex offending have reduced over the last 5-10 years. (pp. 106).



Source: Graph #1: "Well-being"

Employment and social development canada. (2014).Violent crime by type and offence Indicators of well-being in canada: security - crime rates. Retrieved from



Data Notes - Graph #1

From 1961 to 1978: Geoffrey Li (2008), "Homicide in Canada, 2007", Juristat, Vol. 28, No 9. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2008 (Cat. No. 85-002-XIE); from 1979 to 1997: Sara Beattie and Adam Cotter (2010), "Homicide in Canada, 2009", Jeuristat, Vol. 30, No 3. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2010 (Cat. No. 85-002-XIE); from 1998 to 2011: Statistics Canada. Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations, annual (CANSIM Table 252-0051). Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2012. Retrieved from (Employment and social development canada)




Source: Graph #2:

Employment and social development canada. (2014). Indicators of well-being in canada: Security - Victims of violent crime. Retrieved from




Data Notes - Graph #2 Note: Total violent victimization differs from the sum of the three offence categories due to rounding. Source: Juristat Article. Samuel Perreault and Shannon Brennan. Criminal Victimization in Canada, 2009, Vol. 30, No 2. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2010 (Cat. No. 85-002-X).  (Employment and social development canada)

Typologies of Serial Murderers





Typology: is useful but, should be used with caution. According to Bartol et al, determining typologies based on behavior alone is "problematic" as no the labels are not always applicable to in every situation.  Typifying serial killers is a useful way of  organizing categories of behavioral patterns to reduce confusion. More empirical research is necessary to fine tuning profiling serial killers based on typology.  ( Bartol et. al ,2011, Chapter 5: Sexual  Offenders, pp.116).


Homes and DeBurger (1985) has developed a well referenced  sexual serial killer  typology.  The researchers   outlines four (4) general types of serial killers:


1. Visionary—psychotic, suffering from severe break with reality


2. Mission oriented—task or mission to rid community or world of a particulargroup to people

    (two subtypes: either demon mandated or God mandated)


3. Hedonistic (three subtypes: either lust killer who commits necrophilia, thrillkiller who keeps victim

     alive as long as possible and feeds off of terror victim,and comfort killer)


4. Power/control—want total control over victim and to hold fate of victim intheir hands




Holmes and DeBurger (1998). Retrieved from from:,

Web. 25 Feb. 2014.



























































Another  pair of researcher,  Fox and Levin (1999) has  modified Holmes and DeBurger’s framework by reclassifying serial murderers into three categories versus Holmes & Berger's 4, 


each with two subtypes:1.


1. Thrilla.

        a. Sexual sadist (the most common)

        b. Dominance


2. Mission

     a. Reformist (to rid the world of filth and evil such as prostitutes)—

     b. Many are also motivated  by thrill seeking


     (b). Visionary—Believe they hear the voice of God or the devil instrucing them to kill


3. Expedience

    a. Profit.

    b. Protection—To cover up criminal activity (adapted from pp. 90, 91)



Bartol et al. (2011). Chapter 9: serial killers and their victims.

Psychopaths and serial killers. Pearson:Canada. Print, pp. 248.



Knight, R. A. (1999). Validation of a typology for rapists. Journal of

Interpersonal Violence, 14(3), 303-330. doi:10.1177/08862609901

4003006. Retrieved from





The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual


 The DSM-IV-TR Axis I defines four types of child molesters  -- key distinguishing difference is based on their degree of pedophilic and social competence.


 Axis II, child molesters a- differen by the amount of time they have spent with children in both sexual offence and non-sexual situations.


Olson for example placed himself in close proximity and high contact with his victims by offering them work or leisure activities through his landscaping business or volunteering to babysit.


A) High- contact child molesters differ based on the meaning of their contact with children:


1) interpersonal v. narcissistic. 

    The interpersonal type goal is to establish a relationship with children, whereas for the narcissistic  

    type,  motivation is  exclusively sexual.

    "interpersonal type (Type 1) perceive  sexual abuse as a mutually satisfying romantic relationship

    whereas the narcissistic type (Type 2) is self-focused and views the sexual abuse primarily as a means  

    to achieve his own sexual gratification" 


B) Low-contact child molesters are distinguished by the degree of physical injury they inflict on their

      victims: low physical injury versus high physical injury.


     1) Low contact  subgroups are further differ by their degree of sadism.


Type 3  (Exploitative, Nonsadistic) inflicts little physical injury on vic tims.  A aggression is used  used to gain compliance from victims.  The amount/level of aggression does not exceed what is required to gain compliance),


For type 3 -  aggression is not sexually arousing for the offender.


Type 4  - Muted Sadistic has sadistic sexual interests and fantasies (i.e., is aroused by the pain, fear, and humiliation of victims) but,  does not act on them enough to cause physical injury to victims.


Type 5 - (Nonsadistic, Aggressive) uses violence, causing physical injury is either accidental or motivated by anger, but in neither case is it sexually arousing for the offender. T


Type 6 (Sadistic) inflicts injury on vic tims and is sexually aroused by their pain, fear, and humiliation. (Bartol et al., 2011, pp. 113-114)



Compare and Contrast - Research 



Homicides & violent crimes  have decreased over the last 50 years

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